Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why I wrote, "Listen, There Are More Than Seven Dwarfs."

At dinner recently a friend asked why I wrote, "Listen, There Are More Than Seven Dwarfs."

Here's the answer:

Through many years of working with both children and adults one of the most frustrating things for me to deal with is what I call, "FLUFFY HOPE." Well-meaning professionals as well as well-meaning parents and friends offer hope up as something one should just have or with a 'proper outlook' will manifest. Not so easy. And offerings of "Spiritual" leaps toward Hope are often equally frustrating since they rob people of real opportunities for real growth. And don't misunderstand, I am an intense advocate of the power of the Spirit; it guides my purposes.

This little fable is dedicated to getting fear and doubt out of the closet. I want doubts to be embraced more easily and openly. I want Parents to embrace their own fears so their children won't have to carry them into the next generation and walk with the burden of them. So many people hide their doubts in the secret chambers of their hearts only to find they spill into their lives in non-productive ways. You can get to Hope, but you cannot skip doubts and fears.

Here's hoping you enjoy the journey of, "Listen, There Are More Than Seven Dwarfs."

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